Asbestos analyses for private
The legislative amendment that entered into force at the beginning of 2016 requires that prior to dismantling, it must be ensured that no extractable materials have asbestos. In practice, this means that, before being overhauled, all the buildings completed before 1995 must be made so-called asbestos mapping. According to the law, the person mapping the target area must have sufficient familiarity about asbestos, so if you know enough about the subject, in simple situations it is legitimate to take the sample independently. Remember, however, that you are also responsible for other employees, wastes, and security issues that you have hired. If there is any uncertainty or if the mapping is extensive, we strongly encourage you to contact our professionals.
The asbestos research team consists of asbestos manager Jussi Hyvönen (M.Sc., Geology), asbestos researchers Nicolas Lindén (Geology) and Aino Leppiniemi (Physics), and research assistant Niko Plit (Physics).

Asbestos removal
If asbestos is detected from the target, it must be removed as “asbestos-free” work, which is statutory. The work should only be performed by a certified asbestos-free professional. Asbestos-containing material IS NOT to be removed independently. Improper removal will pose a risk to all users of the room and possibly to the entire housing company. Typically, the surrounding space of the landing object is subdivided so that asbestos-containing air can not spread elsewhere during the demolition operation. Finally, the compartment is cleaned.

Sampling instructions:
(Swipe left for more info)
- Please read the instruction and prepare yourself accordinly
- Take the sample you want to be analyzed
- Bring/Send you sample to Top Analytica
- Results are delivered to you in 1 working day by email
Download full instructions (in Finnish) (PDF)
Order form (in Finnish) (Word)
Purpose of the sampling guide is to a have:
- Reliable sampling
- Safe hanling
- Clear markings
Necessary tools:
- Minigrip-bags (or similar)
- Punch / good pen for labeling
- Knife, chisel, scissors etc.
Taking a sample
- Remove a sample from your target location and pack it into a Minigrip bag
- Mark the bag clearly on the side
- Pack each sample seperately in its own bag
- Fill out the order form and make sure that the sample identifiers for all the samples are correctly recored
- Send / bring your samples to Top Analytica
Sample delivery and results
- You may bring you samples directly to Top Analytica
- You may send your samples to Top Analytica by mail
Top Analytica Oy, Ruukinkatu 4, 20540 Turku
Technology property Old Mill
Reporting the results
- The results will be given in writing to your desired email address
- Upon request we will also notify you directly by telephone